Thursday, February 16, 2012

Letss be honest.

Boy's in movies are soo much BETTER
I feel like people spend there WHOLE life's learning what you shouldn't care about, until one day you learn you didn't care enough..

and if you're ANYTHING like i am.. 
You'll find yourself in the position i'm in today.
you'll feel confused and lost, all because someone along the way told you not to care.
Which was wrong of them.

i learned this today.

             If you focus on what you’ve left behind, you will never see what lies ahead.

The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that I was. Lovers dont finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along<3

c h o i c e s


To love is to risk being disappointed,  
let down
broken hearted 
and be vulnerable anyway.
Love & freedom both require risk. It’s not about whether someone else lives up to your expectations, but if you live up to your own. Don’t be attached to people, focus inward on your own experience of love and bring that to every situation. This is how you take your power back! If you do this authentically, everything your Heart desires AND MORE will be yours.

l i f e

                                       It’s not about who you’re attracted to. 
                                     Ultimately, it’s about who you fall in love with.
If only life was this simple<3
This outfit, could it be ANY cuter?(:

things i L O V E

t r u s t


Without it there is no relationship, nor friendship..
and i'm learning to trust you again..
I love my boyfriend and everything he does for me..
He seriously is my best friend and i'm not quit sure what i would do without him.

We defiantly have our days were we fight and argue,but we always seem to get over everything..
He makes my day. and i'm honestly blessed beyond measures.

. . .

Tuesday, February 7, 2012



That last post was kinda mean but i couldn't help it..

they are  TWINS!(:


Tell me he doesnt look like an avatar? HAHAHA

Saturday, February 4, 2012

L A C E (:

If you havent been able to tell, I'm a little obsessed with lace, its kinda always been something i loved, but lately im obsessed with it<3
i swear i love kids, simple the biggest blessing in anyones life<3

simply stunning!




Today was a good day<3 

I love my boyfriend and his Family!
I'm more then blessed to have them in my life!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I wish i could sit here and post pictures with my friends, or post pictures of how much fun i'm having..

but i cant. i have NO friends, and NO life..

but whats new?

you think id be use to this after 2 years.

too much...

I have a TON to think about. 
My life is at stake here, not yours.

Maybe its time i grow up, and realize you don't love me.